
Here you can find the manuals and datasheets essential for the practicals. There are two versions of practicals: online one and onsite one. By default students should take the onsite version, with the exception as follows:

  • If you are a student from past years, and take this course as a resit, please go for the online version. In this case, the report you submitted last year can be reused, but you should redo the experiments and revise the report with new results since the setup configurations have been modified.

  • If you are unfortunately tested to be positive for COVID-19, please go for the online version.

  • If you have any other valid reasons (e.g. you belong to a vulnerable group for COVID-19) and are not able to come to Telegen Hall for onsite activities, please go for the online version.

There are two modules in the either version.

  • Module 1 is on a contactless power transfer system.

  • Module 2 is on electrical machines and drives.

The two versions reflect the same learning objectives, and the reports will be evaluated based on the same criteria. Please find manuals of both versions in the following sections.